Version: 1.0

Attribute details

Attribute ID Datatype Data length Nullabe ? Label Description
DELETED CHAR 1 Y Flag for deleted entities ('T' for deleted / 'F' for existing)
EXTERNAL_REF_CODE VARCHAR2 240 Y Reference to the code stored in Third-Party system
EXTERNAL_REF_VALUE1 VARCHAR2 4000 Y Text description for the relation between Third-Party code and the entity
EXTERNAL_REF_VALUE2 VARCHAR2 4000 Y Text description for the relation bewteen Third-Party code and the entity
EXTERNAL_REF_VALUE3 VARCHAR2 4000 Y Text description for the relation bewteen Third-Party code and the entity
EXTERNAL_REF_VALUE4 VARCHAR2 4000 Y Text description for the relation bewteen Third-Party code and the entity
INSTIT_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Y Institution code
LAST_UPDATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date of last update or deletion (if DELETED is 'T')
TYPE VARCHAR2 20 Y Type Type of the entity referenced in the External Reference. Possible values: OPERATION, ORDER, MOVEMENT
T_ENTITY_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of the entity described in TYPE field
T_EXTERNAL_REF_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of the External Reference