Version: 1.0

Attribute details

Attribute ID Datatype Data length Nullabe ? Label Description
EXACT_CHARGE_ORG_AMT_ITX NUMBER 22 Y Amount used to pay the charges linked to a given operation with a given payment (not rounded)
EXACT_ORG_AMT_ITX NUMBER 22 Y Amount used to pay a given operation with a given payment (not rounded)
INSTIT_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Y Institution code
LAST_UPDATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date of last update of report data
ORG_AMT_ITX NUMBER 22 Y Amount used to pay a given operation with a given payment (rounded to the cent)
PAYMENT_METHOD VARCHAR2 240 Y Payment method Name of payment method
PAYMETH_ACC_EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 4000 Y Payment method accounting code. This code can be freely defined in SecuTix and establishes a link with the accounting performed outside SecuTix. Our Confluence web site describes how to define accounting codes.
ROW_NUM NUMBER 22 Y Record number
T_OPERATION_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of operation
T_ORDER_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of order
T_PARENT_OPERATION_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of operation
T_PAYMENT_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of payment
T_PAYMETH_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of payment method
VALUE_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Value date Payment value date (dd.mm.yyyy)