Version: 1.0

Attribute details

Attribute ID Datatype Data length Nullabe ? Label Description
ACTION VARCHAR2 100 Y Transaction type, possible values are:
ADDITIONAL_INFO VARCHAR2 2000 Y Mobile ticket additional information
BLOCKCHAIN_TICKET_STATUS VARCHAR2 100 Y Mobile ticket status, possible value are:
DTE_LOG_I TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date-time of first insertion
DTE_LOG_LU TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date-time of last modification
EXTERNAL_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of Mercury’s transaction
INFO VARCHAR2 2000 Y Mobile ticket information
INSTIT_CODE VARCHAR2 60 N Institution code
ORGANIZATION VARCHAR2 240 Y Organization Organization name
RECIPIENT_BIRTH_DATE DATE 7 Y Recipient’s birthdate of transaction
RECIPIENT_COUNTRY_CODE CHAR 2 Y Recipient’s country of transaction
RECIPIENT_EMAIL VARCHAR2 254 Y Recipient’s email of transaction
RECIPIENT_FIRSTNAME VARCHAR2 400 Y Recipient’s first name of transaction
RECIPIENT_ID VARCHAR2 100 Y Recipient’s passport of transaction
RECIPIENT_INFO1 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to recipient user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
RECIPIENT_INFO2 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to recipient user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
RECIPIENT_INFO3 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to recipient user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
RECIPIENT_INFO4 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to recipient user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
RECIPIENT_LANGUAGE CHAR 2 Y Recipient’s language of transaction
RECIPIENT_LASTNAME VARCHAR2 400 Y Recipient’s last name of transaction
RECIPIENT_PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Recipient’s phone number of transaction
RECIPIENT_TITLE VARCHAR2 200 Y Recipient’s title of transaction
SENDER_EMAIL VARCHAR2 254 Y Sender’s email of transaction
SENDER_PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Sender’s phone number of transaction
STATE VARCHAR2 100 Y State Transaction state, possible values are:
TRANSACTION_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Transaction date Financial transaction date
T_ORGANIZ_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of organization
T_TICKET_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of ticket
T_TRANSACTION_LOG_ID VARCHAR2 1016 Y Technical identifier of transaction