Version: 1.0

Attribute details

Attribute ID Datatype Data length Nullabe ? Label Description
ACTIVATION_BEACON VARCHAR2 100 Y Name of beacon which activates the ticket
ACTIVATION_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date time that the ticket is activated
ACTIVATION_DURATION NUMBER 22 Y Number of milisecond that need to activate the ticket
ACTIVATION_PHONE_MODEL VARCHAR2 100 Y Phone model which activates the ticket in case manual
ACTIVATION_TYPE VARCHAR2 25 Y Activation type, possible values are:
ASSIGNEE_BIRTH_DATE DATE 7 Y Birthday of ticket assignee
ASSIGNEE_EMAIL VARCHAR2 254 Y Email of ticket assignee
ASSIGNEE_FIRSTNAME VARCHAR2 400 Y First name of ticket assignee
ASSIGNEE_ID_NUMBER VARCHAR2 100 Y Passport of ticket assignee
ASSIGNEE_INFO1 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to assignee user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
ASSIGNEE_INFO2 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to assignee user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
ASSIGNEE_INFO3 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to assignee user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
ASSIGNEE_INFO4 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to assignee user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
ASSIGNEE_LANGUAGE CHAR 2 Y Language of ticket assignee
ASSIGNEE_LASTNAME VARCHAR2 400 Y Last name of ticket assignee
ASSIGNEE_NATIONALITY VARCHAR2 2 Y Nationality of ticket assignee
ASSIGNEE_PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Phone number of ticket assignee
BARCODE VARCHAR2 512 Y Barcode Voucher barcode
BLOCKCHAIN_TICKET_STATUS VARCHAR2 100 N Mobile ticket status, possible value are:
DTE_LOG_I TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date-time of first insertion
DTE_LOG_LU TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date-time of last modification
INSTIT_CODE VARCHAR2 60 N Institution code
LOG_ENTRANCE_EXT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Y Logical entrance external name
LOG_SEAT_CATEGORY_EXT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Y Logical seat category Logical seat category external name
MATCH_DAY VARCHAR2 4000 Y Match day Day or round of a match
MATCH_DAY_CODE VARCHAR2 120 Y Day or round code of a match
ORGANIZATION VARCHAR2 240 N Organization Organization name
OUTER_LOG_ENTRANCE_EXT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Y Logical external entrance external name
OWNER_BIRTH_DATE DATE 7 Y Birthdate of ticket owner
OWNER_COUNTRY_CODE CHAR 2 Y Country of ticket owner
OWNER_EMAIL VARCHAR2 254 Y Email of ticket owner
OWNER_FIRSTNAME VARCHAR2 400 Y First name of ticket owner
OWNER_ID VARCHAR2 100 Y Passport of ticket owner
OWNER_INFO1 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to owner user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
OWNER_INFO2 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to owner user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
OWNER_INFO3 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to owner user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
OWNER_INFO4 VARCHAR2 120 Y Extra field related to owner user. The label and value of the field is collected from the feedback interface of the mobile app.
OWNER_LANGUAGE CHAR 2 Y Langue of ticket owner
OWNER_LASTNAME VARCHAR2 400 Y Last name of ticket owner
OWNER_PHONE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Phone number of ticket owner
OWNER_TITLE VARCHAR2 200 Y Title of ticket owner
PHYSICAL_AREA_EXT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Y Physical block external name
PHYSICAL_BLOCK_EXT_NAME VARCHAR2 240 Y Physical block external name
SEAT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 240 Y Seat number
SEAT_ROW VARCHAR2 240 Y Seat row number
TICKET_LAST_UPDATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Last update of the ticket on Mercury side
TICKET_TAX_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Ticket tax number
T_ORGANIZ_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of organization
T_PERFORMANCE_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of performance
T_TICKET_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of ticket