Version: 1.0

Attribute details

Attribute ID Datatype Data length Nullabe ? Label Description
DESIGNATION VARCHAR2 492 Y Item Item deisgnation
DISCOUNT NUMBER 22 Y Discount Discount (percentage) granted by the product supplier
GOODS_COLLECTION VARCHAR2 240 Y Collection Name of goods collection
GOODS_DIMENSION VARCHAR2 4000 Y Goods item characteristics Conctenated value of good dimensions (example: Size:M, Colour: Red)
GOODS_FAMILY VARCHAR2 240 Y Goods family Name of goods family
GOODS_SUBFAMILY VARCHAR2 240 Y Goods sub-family Name of subfamily of goods product (only level 1)
GOODS_SUBTOPIC VARCHAR2 240 Y Goods sub-topic Name of subtopic of goods product (only level 1)
GOODS_TOPIC VARCHAR2 240 Y Goods topic Name of topic of goods product
GROSS_UNIT_AMT_ETX NUMBER 22 Y List price Unit purchase amount before applying discount
INSTIT_CODE VARCHAR2 15 N Institution code
NET_UNIT_AMT_ETX NUMBER 22 Y Unit purchase amount after applying discount
ORDER_NUMBER NUMBER 22 N Order Number Order number
PURCHASED_QTY NUMBER 22 Y Purchased quantity
PURCHASE_ORDER_DATE DATE 7 Y Purchase order date
PURCHASE_STATE VARCHAR2 4000 N Purchase state. Possible values are:
- Partially delivered
- Closed
RECEIVED_QTY NUMBER 22 Y Received Qty Number of items received for this purchase order
REFERENCE VARCHAR2 80 N Reference Item reference
REMAINING_ITEMS_EXP VARCHAR2 3 Y Items expected Flag indicating whether a subsequent delivery is expected for this purchase order (Yes/No)
STORAGE_LOCATION VARCHAR2 240 N Name of storage location
SUPPLIER VARCHAR2 400 Y Supplier Name of supplier
TOTAL_AMT_ETX NUMBER 22 Y Total amount of charges sold excluding tax (cancellations are subtracted)
T_FAMILY_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of goods family
T_GOODSCOLLECTION_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of goods collection
T_GOODSITEM_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of goods item
T_GOODSSTOCK_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of goods stock status (for the given goods item and storage location)
T_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of organization
T_PURCHASE_STATE VARCHAR2 20 N Purchase state. Possible values are:
T_SUBFAMILY_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of goods subfamily
T_SUBTOPIC_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of goods subtopic
T_SUPPLIER_CT_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of contact
T_TOPIC_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of goods topic