Version: 1.0

Attribute details

Attribute ID Datatype Data length Nullabe ? Label Description
ACTIVITY VARCHAR2 240 Y Activity Activity name of event
DURATION NUMBER 22 Y Performance duration
EXTERNAL_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 2000 Y External description of performance
FISCAL_NUMBER NUMBER 22 Y Fiscal number Ticket fiscal number
INSTIT_CODE VARCHAR2 15 N Institution code
INTERNAL_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 4000 Y Internal description of performance
LICENCE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 4000 Y Performance license number Performance licence number
LOG_CONFIG VARCHAR2 240 Y Name of logical configuration
MANAGER VARCHAR2 60 Y Manager Name of ticketing system managing the product (if current institution acts as a reseller)
MATCH_DAY VARCHAR2 4000 Y Match day Day or round of a match
MATCH_DAY_CODE VARCHAR2 120 Y Day or round code of a match
NAME_ADDON VARCHAR2 240 Y Additional performance name
ORGANIZATION VARCHAR2 240 Y Organization Organization name
PARTNER_CONTACT_FMT_NAME VARCHAR2 1034 Y Partner contact Name of the institution (Contact) organizing the event (current organization acts as as a reseller) in format: "last name, first name (contact number)". No contact number if only beneficiary.
PARTNER_CONTACT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Partner contact number Name of the institution (Contact) organizing the event (current organization acts as as a reseller)
PERFORMANCE_STATE VARCHAR2 4000 Y Performance state Performance state. Possible values are:
- Cancelled
- Running
- Suspended
PHY_CONFIG VARCHAR2 240 Y Name of physical configuration
PRODUCER_CONTACT_FMT_NAME VARCHAR2 1034 Y Producer contact Name of the company (Contact) producing the event in format: "last name, first name (contact number)". No contact number if only beneficiary.
PRODUCER_CONTACT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Producer contact N° Number of the company (Contact) producing the event
PRODUCT VARCHAR2 240 Y Product Product name
PRODUCT_DATE_TIME TIMESTAMP(3) 11 Y Product date time Performance or timeslot date and time (dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm:ss)
PRODUCT_FAMILY VARCHAR2 4000 N Prod. Family Product family name. Possible values are:
- Membership
- Season ticket
- Voucher
- Goods
- Hospitality bundle
- Competition
- Event
- Package
- Dated pass
- Timeslot pass
- Non-dated pass
- Visit pass
- Service
- Hospitality
- Open product
- Visit
PRODUCT_STATE VARCHAR2 4000 N Product state Product state. Possible values are:
- Cancelled
- Running
- Suspended
PRODUCT_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 Y Product type Name of product type
PROD_ACC_EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 4000 Y Product accounting code. This code can be freely defined in SecuTix and establishes a link to the accounting performed outside SecuTix. Our Confluence web site describes how to define accounting codes.
RATE_TYPE VARCHAR2 240 Y Rate type Name of rate type
SEASON VARCHAR2 240 Y Season Season name
SITE VARCHAR2 240 Y Site Name of site where event takes place
SPACE VARCHAR2 240 Y Space Name of space where event takes place
SUB_TOPIC VARCHAR2 240 Y Sub topic Subtopic (level 1) of lowest rank assigned to the product.
TEAM1_LOGO_LARGE_URL VARCHAR2 255 Y Large logo URL of the first team (in case of a match)
TEAM1_LOGO_MEDIUM_URL VARCHAR2 255 Y Medium logo URL of the first team (in case of a match)
TEAM1_LOGO_SMALL_URL VARCHAR2 255 Y Small logo URL of the first team (in case of a match)
TEAM2_LOGO_LARGE_URL VARCHAR2 255 Y Large logo URL of the second team (in case of a match)
TEAM2_LOGO_MEDIUM_URL VARCHAR2 255 Y Medium logo URL of the second team (in case of a match)
TEAM2_LOGO_SMALL_URL VARCHAR2 255 Y Small logo URL of the second team (in case of a match)
TEAM_1 VARCHAR2 240 Y Host team First team (in case of a match)
TEAM_2 VARCHAR2 240 Y Opposing team Second team (in case of a match)
TOPIC VARCHAR2 240 Y Topic Parent of the subtopic related to the product.
T_ACTIVITY_ID NUMBER 22 Y Activity technical identifier
T_EXTINTERF_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of external interface
T_FAMILY_SUB_TYPE VARCHAR2 25 N Name of product family subtype. Possible values are:
- DATE_SPECIFIC_PASS: dated pass
- DONATION: donation
- GOODS: goods product
- HOSPITALITY: hospitality for a single match
- HOSPITALITY_PACKAGE: hospitality for several matches
- MEMBERSHIP: membership
- OPEN: open product
- OPEN_PASS: non-dated pass
- PACKAGE: package
- SEASONTICKET: season ticket
- SERVICE: service
- SPORTING_EVENT: competition
- TIMESLOT_PASS: timeslot pass
- VISIT: visit (old visits based on events)
- VISIT_PASS: visit pass
- VOUCHER: voucher
T_FAMILY_TYPE VARCHAR2 25 N Name of product family type of product related to current charges. Possible values are:
T_LOGCONFIG_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of performance logical configuration
T_MANAGER_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of external manager
T_ORGANIZ_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of organization
T_PARTNER_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of contact
T_PERFORMANCE_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of performance
T_PERFORMANCE_KIND VARCHAR2 120 Y Characteristic to qualify a performance. The institution can define the possible values in the setting according to its needs.
T_PERFORMANCE_STATE VARCHAR2 20 Y Performance/timeslot state. Possible values are:
- Running
- Suspended
- Cancelled
T_PHYCONFIG_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of physical configuration
T_PRODUCER_CONTACT_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of contact
T_PRODUCT_FAMILY_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of product family
T_PRODUCT_ID NUMBER 22 N Product technical identifier
T_PRODUCT_STATE VARCHAR2 25 Y Product state. Possible values are:
- Cancelled
- Running
- Suspended
T_PRODUCT_TYPE_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of product type
T_RATE_TYPE_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of rate type
T_SALECONFIG_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of sales configuration
T_SEASON_ID NUMBER 22 Y Season technical identifier
T_SITE_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of site
T_SPACE_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of space
T_SUB_TOPIC_ID NUMBER 22 Y Identifier of subtopic
T_TEAM_1_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of first team (in case of a match)
T_TEAM_2_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of second team (in case of a match)
T_TOPIC_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of goods topic
T_VISIT_LOCALE_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of visit language
VISIT_LANGUAGE VARCHAR2 4000 Y Visit language Visit language
VISIT_LOCALE VARCHAR2 40 Y Visit language