Version: 1.0

Attribute details

Attribute ID Datatype Data length Nullabe ? Label Description
ACCOUNTING_EXPORT_DATE VARCHAR2 10 Y Date of export to accounting system
BANK VARCHAR2 800 Y Bank Name of bank
BANK_AGREEMENT_CAUSE VARCHAR2 560 Y Agreement cause Reason of bank agreement
BANK_AGREEMENT_DATE VARCHAR2 10 Y Agreement date Bank agreement date (format: dd.mm.yyyy)
BANK_AGREEMENT_DATE_YY_MM_DD VARCHAR2 10 Y Bank agreement date (format: yyyy.mm.dd)
BANK_AGREEMENT_REFERENCE VARCHAR2 140 Y Mandate reference (UMR) Bank agreement reference
BANK_AGREEMENT_SIGN_DATE VARCHAR2 10 Y Mandate signing date Bank agreement sign date (format: dd.mm.yyyy)
BANK_SIGN_DATE_YY_MM_DD VARCHAR2 10 Y Bank agreement sign date (format: yyyy.mm.dd)
CARD_TYPE VARCHAR2 256 Y Card type Card type (Mastercard, Visa,..)
CASHDESK_STATE VARCHAR2 4000 N Cash desk state Cash desk state
CATALOG_CURRENCY_CODE CHAR 3 Y Currency code of catalog
CONTACT VARCHAR2 831 Y Contact Contact name in format: "last name, first name (contact number)". No contact number if only beneficiary.
CONTACT_ADDR_TOWN VARCHAR2 400 Y Town Town of address
CONTACT_BIC VARCHAR2 11 Y Contact BIC BIC of contact account
CONTACT_EMAIL VARCHAR2 254 Y Email address of contact
CONTACT_IBAN VARCHAR2 34 Y Contact IBAN IBAN of contact account
CONTACT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 20 Y Contact number Contact number of payer
CONTACT_TELEPHONE VARCHAR2 31 Y Phone number incl. Prefix
COUNTRY_CODE CHAR 2 Y Country Address country code
CURRENCY_CODE CHAR 3 N Currency Payment currency code
DEBTOR_PROFIT VARCHAR2 1 Y Debtor profit Flag indicating if the current payment is a debtor profit. There is a debtor profit when the institution keeps the change. For instance, a contact pays for an order of £90 with a voucher worth £100 and the institution decides to keep the change of £10. In order to ensure accounting consistency, SecuTix creates a payment of -£10 with the flag set to 'T' (in addition to a payment of £100 with flag set to 'F')
Possible values:
''T' when there is debtor_profit . Else 'F'
DUE_DATE VARCHAR2 10 Y Due date Date of due date linked to current payment (dd.mm.yyyy)
DUE_DATE_STATE VARCHAR2 4000 Y Due date state State of due date (waiting, sent)
DUE_DATE_YY_MM_DD VARCHAR2 10 Y Date of due date linked to current payment (yyyy.mm.dd)
EXPORT_DATE_YY_MM_DD VARCHAR2 10 Y Date of export to accounting system
FILE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 4000 Y File number File number
IDENTIFIER VARCHAR2 200 Y Identifier Payment identification
INSTIT_CODE VARCHAR2 15 N Institution code
INVALIDATION_CAUSE VARCHAR2 4000 Y Invalidation cause Reason for payment invalidation. Payment invalidation requires creating a 2nd payment for the same amount but with the opposite sign so that the sum of the payments is zero.
Possible values:
- INVALIDATION: The initial payment contains errors (for instance, a cheque with incorrect information)
- CONTACT_CHANGE: The initial payment is linked to the wrong contact
- PAYMENTMETHOD_CHANGE: The wrong payment method has been entered for the initial payment
- ACCOUNT: Refund suspense account
INVOICES VARCHAR2 4000 Y Invoice(s) Comma separated list of invoice numbers
INVOICE_STATUS VARCHAR2 4000 Y Indicates whether invoices are linked to this payment
Possible values:
- 'NOT_INVOICED': No invoiced operation linked to the payment
- 'PARTIALLY': Condition for 'NOT_INVOICED' isn't met and there is at least one uninvoiced operation linked to the payment
- 'INVOICED': All operations linked to the payment are invoiced.
KIND VARCHAR2 25 N Payment kind. Possible values are:
- CANCELLATION: Cancellation/invalidation of a previous payment
- CREDIT_CREDIT_NOTE: Credit on credit note
- CREDIT_DEPOSIT: Deposit payment (by the contact)
- CREDIT_WAIT_ACCOUNT: The contact puts some money on the pending account in order to "really" pay an order
- DEBIT_CREDIT_NOTE: Payment of an order by means of the credit note
- DEBIT_DEPOSIT: Payment of a reservation by using the deposit paid previously to confirm this reservation
- DEBIT_WAIT_ACCOUNT: Payment of an order by pending account. The order isn't "really" paid but tickets may be printed.
- DIRECT_PAYMENT: Durect payment
- POSTPONED_PAYMENT: Postponed payment (e.g. bank withdrawal)
- REFUND: Refund
- REFUND_CREDIT_NOTE: The organization refunds the credit note (either totally or partially)
- REFUND_DEPOSIT: Remboursement de l'acompte par l'organisme (p. ex. en cas d'annulation d'un dossier)
LAST_UPDATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Date of last update of report data
OPERATOR VARCHAR2 825 Y Operator Lastname, firstname and login for opeator who made the payment
ORDER_CONTACT VARCHAR2 831 Y Order contact Contact name in format: "last name, first name (contact number)". No contact number if only beneficiary.
ORDER_NUMBER VARCHAR2 4000 Y Order Number Order number
ORDER_STATE VARCHAR2 4000 Y Order state Order state
ORG_AMT_ITX NUMBER 22 Y Amount used to pay a given operation with a given payment (rounded to the cent)
ORG_CURRENCY_CODE CHAR 3 N Organization currency Organization currency code
ORG_REFUND_AMT_ITX NUMBER 22 Y Gross refund amt Amount in organization's currency (only set if refund)
PAYMENT_AMT_ITX NUMBER 22 Y Payment amount
PAYMENT_DATE VARCHAR2 19 Y Payment's date Payment creation date
PAYMENT_DATE_TIME TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Payment creation date time
PAYMENT_METHOD VARCHAR2 240 Y Payment method Name of payment method
PAYMENT_SERVICE_PROVIDER VARCHAR2 32 Y Name of payment service provider. An institution generally uses one or two providers: one for the credit card payment by means of a pin pad and one for the MOTO payment (payment without card reading device). Each institution signs its own contracts through SecuTix's partnership with Ogone.
PAYMETH_ACC_EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 4000 Y Payment method accounting code. This code can be freely defined in SecuTix and establishes a link with the accounting performed outside SecuTix. Our Confluence web site describes how to define accounting codes.
PA_DTE_LOG_I TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 13 Y Payment creation date
POS VARCHAR2 32 Y Point of sales code
REFERENCE VARCHAR2 140 Y Reference Bank agreement reference
REFERENCE_DATE VARCHAR2 10 Y Reference date Payment reference date (dd.mm.yyyy)
REFERENCE_DATE_YY_MM_DD VARCHAR2 10 Y Payment reference date (yyyy.mm.dd)
REMARK VARCHAR2 4000 Y Remark Payment remark
SALES_CHANNEL VARCHAR2 240 N Sales channel Sales channel name
STATE VARCHAR2 4000 Y State Payment state. Possible values are:
- Deposit
- Paid/not paid
- Suspense account (paid/not paid)
STRUCTURE VARCHAR2 400 Y Structure Name of the company/organization the contact belongs to
TYPE VARCHAR2 4000 N Type Translated value of T_TYPE. Possible values are:
- Bank transfer
- Cancel check
- Cancel credit card
- Cash
- Check
- Coupon
- Credit card
- Credit card with manual validation
- Credit note
- Deposit
- Direct debit
- Discount voucher
- External
- Fidelity points
- Pending account
- Voucher
- Withdrawal
T_BANKAGREEMENT_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of bank agreement
T_BANK_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of bank
T_CASHDESKWITHDRAWALLINE_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of the cashdesk withdrawal line
T_CASHDESK_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of cash desk
T_CASHDESK_STATE VARCHAR2 25 N Cash desk state
T_DUEDATEAGR_ID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of due date
T_DUE_DATE_STATE VARCHAR2 25 Y Due date state
T_INVALIDATEDBYPAYMENTID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of payment invalidating the current payment
T_INVALIDATEDPAYMENTID NUMBER 22 Y Technical identifier of payment invalidated by the current payment
T_INVALIDATION_CAUSE VARCHAR2 25 Y Reason for payment invalidation
T_INVOICE_STATUS VARCHAR2 18 Y NOT_INVOICED - when there is no operation linked to the payment which is invoiced.
PARTIALLY - when condition for "NOT_INVOICED" is not satisfied and there exists at least one operation which is not invoiced.
INVOICED - When all the operations linked to payment are invoiced
T_IS_VIRTUAL_OP CHAR 1 Y Flag mentioning if the author is a virtual operator
T_ORGANIZATION_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of organization
T_PAYMENT_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of payment
T_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of payment method
T_POS_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of point of sales
T_SALES_CHANNEL_ID NUMBER 22 N Technical identifier of sales channel
T_SALES_CHANNEL_TYPE VARCHAR2 25 N Type of sales channel
T_STATE VARCHAR2 25 N Ticket/operation payment state:
- DEPOSIT (not for sold tickets)
T_TYPE VARCHAR2 40 Y Type of payment method. Possible valudes are:
- PAY_TYPE/AVR: Payment involving the credit note
- PAY_TYPE/BVR: Payment by ESR
- PAY_TYPE/CA: Payment involving the pending account
- PAY_TYPE/CB: Credit card
- PAY_TYPE/CBCANCEL: Cancel credit card
- PAY_TYPE/CB_WITH_VALIDATION: Credit card with manual validation
- PAY_TYPE/DISCOUNT: Discount voucher
- PAY_TYPE/EXT: External
- PAY_TYPE/FIDELITY_POINT: Fidelity points
- PAY_TYPE/PREPAY: Bank withdrawal
- PAY_TYPE/VIR: Bank transfer
VALUE_DATE VARCHAR2 10 Y Value date Payment value date (dd.mm.yyyy)
VALUE_DATE_YY_MM_DD VARCHAR2 10 Y Payment value date (yyyy.mm.dd)